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The flip side of the coin… the undesirable face of ambition.

„Ein freier Mann bin ich, doch wirklich frei bin ich trotzdem nicht.“ [1] Pacing now in the comfortable and spacious abode that is to be my home for the next 5 years, I could almost forget it were a cell, but I cannot get complacent; I dare not lose sight of my aspirations, and I must never forget those held accountable for my landing here. The non-Aryans.

How they ever managed to contaminate our once pure German race, I shall never know. The damage is near irrevocable, yet hope always remains at the end of the tunnel, however dim or faint it may seem. Wake up, Germany! Your time of salvation draws near, the hero we are in dire and desperate need of approaches… and yet you reject him? Yet you cover his mouth and deny his right to free speech in concord to the laws of your fake democracy, cover the mouth that unites the voice and heart of every single Aryan citizen, denouncing the evil that is so soon to consume us? In all honesty, I have no choice but to commend those cunning and vicious enough to so artfully hoodwink the Germans and lull them into a false sense of normality. How is it that the German race has gone blind?? We were each blessed with two eyes to see from, yet of late I have the impression that nobody, save for me, is able to see through the layers of deceit and lies that veils their true nature. How deep the hand of filth has already slipped into the glove of power, I cannot possibly tell. Yet what I know for a certainty is this: The hand must be removed before the fingers are allowed to sink into the soft material and become accustomed to it, for by then all will be lost. Backstabbers and criminals will be ruling the country that I love, the country that I live to protect and fight for. We cannot let the actions of the November Criminals [2] dictate our future! I cannot - will not - MUST NOT stand idle while this serpent of evil preys upon the mouse that is Germany. Now that it has outmanoeuvred me, the fence separating the hunter from the hunted, Germany is at its most vulnerable. They want me to think that they have me wrapped around their finger, that I shall cower in resignation, that I shall give up the dream that which many have dared dream in the private sanctum that is their imagination, but never dared put into action and bring to reality! I spit on their rules! I stand up strong and tall against the oncoming wave, and I WILL – DREAM – ON!! For too long, the German people have lived under the fake promised, but never delivered, Nirvana that disguises itself in the form of a wailing and crumbling democracy. What good is a nation built upon ground stones of undesirables, backstabbers and liars? Even from its foundation, the Weimar Republic was devoid of any hope of longevity and prosperity. Germany has long transcended into the laughingstock of the World. The children of today mock us for our inferiority, for our acceptance of defeat, for our cowardice. Decimated towards the end of the Great War – one that we were on the brink of winning! And yet nonetheless, they pulled out, not able to finish the job, not willing to conceive the brainchild that was to be a mighty emporium ruled by an even more mighty nation – Germany! Es lebe Deutschland!! [3] All I need to do now is be able to communicate to the German people that I am the light that heralds the coming of the dawn, that I am the fire that burns fierce and unwavering against the cold dark, that I, Adolf Hitler, am the Führer the people need!! In these grim times, it falls upon me to be the voice for those too scared to speak, for they will take up the call of the pack, following and hailing the true protagonist and saviour. I must take up this mantle, must share and broadcast this struggle and fight of mine!

But how? How could I possibly relay the salvation of Germany to the mind of the masses, while stuck in this mangy, rotten hole they dare proclaim my “home”? How -

Hess … HESS! HIERHER! JETZT!! [4],[5]

I need you, old friend …

… for we have a book to write.


[1] German, translates to “I am a free man, yet I am still not truly free.”

[2] November Criminals – This name was given to the German politicians by their

opponents who negotiated and signed the Armistice, ending World War I and “betraying

their country and army”.

[3] German, translates to “Germany lives on!!”

[4] German, translates to “Hess… HESS! TO ME! NOW!!”

[5] Rudolf Hess (1994 – 1987), Hitler’s secretary during his imprisonment.


A little postscriptum for the sake of context: I obviously in no way affiliate myself, nor my lines of thought, with the NSDAP or any other right-wing group. I hope you can read and appreciate this as nothing more than that which it is - a purely creative piece.


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